The Paper Bag
Lunch Company Annual Report


The Paper Bag Lunch Company annual report was a project I completed in my first year of Graphic Design studies. As a passion project, I decided to redesign the report with the purpose of elevating the original to a higher typesetting and design standard. The original assignment was supposed to include a creative cover for a printed final product. Because classes were delivered online due to the pandemic, this part of the assignment could not be accomplished at the time. The goal was to deliver a tactile experience that you could touch, feel, and taste.

  • Area

    Editorial, Layout, Print

  • Tools

    InDesign, Photoshop, Miro

  • Deliverables

Original Concept

The original report design was busy and crowded. The small page size (7in x 9in) left little room to breathe. I decided on a standard 8.5in x 11in layout that would not only give me more space, but also make it easy to print and showcase larger photos. I kept some elements of the original concept that I felt were still relevant to the company including some photography treatment and graphic patterns.


The first step was to determine a clear scope of the project. Realizing it was quite an undertaking for the time available, I planned key milestones to ensure the project was successful.

Since I would be printing and assembling the final pieces myself, there were many small scale drafts and test prints figure out some logistics. To showcase them, I made a sandwich for scale and for lunch.


I wanted to create an interactive and tactile experience with purpose and meaning. To prevent readers from skimming the document and rushing to the financials, I made certain pages to encourage pause and engagement with the publication.

I handmade a branded sleeve for the report using special waterproof material that looks like paper. The result resembled a paper bag. Stakeholders could reuse it as a sleeve for an iPad or laptop. Swag, if you will.


Peek-a-boo company timeline brings all the layers of a sandwich together as a milestone is revealed.

Vellum overlay with company slogan mimics the deli waxed paper often used to wrap sandwiches and other foods.


Some simple Photoshop work on stock images to add branding made for more relevant and and appetizing product shots.


Made from tear-proof, waterproof paper material, this sleeve held the annual report. Stakeholders could reuse the sleeve for other items such as an iPad. The sleeve also helped pitch the concept of a new product:

The Paper Lunch Bag

An insulated, reusable lunch bag made of the same material and with the same engraving of the logo and slogan. Would be sold in stores and include a free sandwich at purchase.